How to register my athletes in the tournament

You have two options:

a) Create an account. (This is the best option)

b) Register as a guest. (You will lose many advantages)

How to create an account? (if you have an account and athletes in your account, go to the step number 5)

It allows you to edit your athletes, coaches, dojos, and adding them easily to each tournament you want.. Additionally, you can add your own tournaments.


1- Create an account. On the home page, select “Create an account” (green button). Click here if you do not know:

The registration page will appear. After filling out the registration form, you will have and account in the website. To enter, please use your email and password you previously wrote. In your email account you will have a confirmation of the registration. (If you do not see it, check in your spam folder.)

Upon entering your account, you will see a menu in the top, which you can read: Athletes, Coaches, Dojos, Tournaments. It's time to add your dojo.

From now on, in order to the next links work, you have to login in your account.

2- Add your Dojo. Select the option: Dojos / Nuevo Dojo, in the top menu. (click here to see it: You will see the Dojos window. After filling it, boom!, you will have your first dojo, which can be added to your future athletes. You can add the number of dojos that you want. To edit the information, note that in each dojo that you have created, to the right, you have the options: Edit, Delete, View the information (View, Edit, Delete).

Click here to see the Dojos window:

3- Add your coach/coaches.

In the same way as before, select in the top Coaches / Add and in the window that comes out, add your coach or coaches. (click here to see it: You can add any amount of coaches you want in your account, and edit, delete or view detailed information of them, in each row, on the right, using the buttons: View, Edit, Delete.

4- Add your athletes

In the top menu, select: Athletes / Add. In the same way as before, add your athlete. (click here to add your athlete: Each one must have a unique email. You will be used it later to maintain a close contact with them. Athletes have to have a photo, to be used in their credentials, and the exact birthdate.

The photo: Must be in jpg format and with dimensions between 150 and 200 pixels. Otherwise, the list of your athletes may be slow to unfold due to the enormous size of the photos.

The date of birth: This is very important because the software compares the date of birth with the date of the tournament, allowing or not the athlete to register in a certain age category.

The level of competition: The athlete has a level of competition: Beginner throughout the first year of competition. Novice throughout the second year, Intermediated during the third year and Advanced from the fourth onwards. It is important to correctly select the level of competition because you can change it forward, but not backward.

5- Register athletes to tournaments:

After adding the athletes you need in your account, you need to add them to the tournament they are going to participate.

Go to the Tournament section and click on "Register athletes to the tournament". You will see this window:

In that window that opens, select in which tournament you want to register yur athletes, by clicking on the green button "Add athlete". 

b) In the next window you can select your athlete from the previously created list of athletes. Follow the steps indicated and you can add your athlete to the corresponding tournament. This process can be done with each athlete you want to register. If you have made a mistake in the registration, you will be able to edit the registration in the List registrations page. Click here to see this window:

And that's all in this part of adding athletes !. You add your coaches, dojos and athletes to your account just once and you can add them in the future in multiple tournaments with ease. In addition to this, you will take a ranking of your svictorias, defeats, combat forms, most used hits. All this can be seen in the ranking of athletes: click here to see the ranking:

Add athletes using external registration: This is not a good option but maybe you dont want to have any account for unknown reasons. In that case, use this.

1- On the main page, select Tournaments / See Tournaments .

2- On the next page select Register as Guest. (register as a guess)

3- In the windows that appears, write the first name of the athlete you wish to register, to check if it is already registered or not

4- If he/she is not registered in the tournament, then click on the green button "Activate now".

5- In the form window that appears, select an existing athlete or create a new one and fill in all the data.

6- Selec tthe option payment and finish the registration

In that case you wont be able to edit/delete the new registration. If you want to add the athlete to another tournament, you have to repeat the same process

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Phone: 786-208-3849

Created by Time Programmer Corp. @2014. All rights reserved