Coaches Registered

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First Name Last Name Style Dojo Picture Country
jorge lopez Jr Shito Ryu Kaigan karate-do US
Edwin Morales Wado Kai Edwin Morales US
1a non Affiliated Non Affiliated 1-none Affiliated US
Alexandra Paucar Quispe Chito Ryu FPK Peru Team PE
Daniela Bustamante Goju Ryu Goju Ryu Miami Kenseikan US
Duclair Grégor Feedton Shoto Kan Katsu Dojo US
Nicolas Salvatores Goju Ryu Hinomaru Karate School US
Kiran Deyo Goju Ryu Bushido Jks Daycare Costa US
Hersch Goodwin Shoto Kan Katsu Dojo US
John Allen Chito Ryu California Dojo US
Biagio Rodofile Goju Ryu Katsu Dojo US
Alex Jinesta Goju Ryu Ken Shin Kan Dojo US
Jose Vicente Rojas Shito Kai-Shito Ryu Shogun Dojo US
Maurico Chico Shoto Kan Federacion Deportiva Tungurahua EC
Abdelali Lamkahouan Shoto Kan International Martial Art Association Ima Houston US
Alex Tajik Shoto Kan Tajik academy US
Stanley R. Abellard Shoto Kan Bushido Jks Daycare Costa US
John Becton Shoto Kan Yuuki Do Karate US
Shawn Becton Shoto Kan Yuuki Do Karate US
Cole Becton Shoto Kan Yuuki Do Karate US

Page 12 of 36, showing 20 records out of 709 total, starting on record 221, ending on 240

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